Saved under the preaching of Brother Harold Andrews in Jamaica, Captain Darrell Hunter invited him to Grand Cayman. He stayed from February 2 to May 22, 1934, preaching at the Old Gospel Hall adjacent to Merrendale. This resulted in a revival in which more than 100 people were saved! The Church of God Reformation Movement was birthed in Grand Cayman.
In August 1934, Rev George Olsen, Field Secretary of the Church of God, came from Jamaica to continue the work. At this time, the Latter Day Saints Church on South Church Street was used for services while the chapel was being built. Sis. Cissy Coe, widow of William Mearns Coe, provided the property, and many members gave substantial gifts and
worked sacrificially. The Chapel on the waterfront was dedicated on 8 December 1934 with an “unlocking =the door” led by Brother Andrews.
As George Town became more commercialized, the church realized that, to grow and have ample parking, a change of venue was needed. God revealed to Sister Maxine Bodden that the new Chapel was to be located on Walkers Road. She shared this, and Captain Eldon Kirkconnell was able to facilitate the purchase of this land. Captain Theo R. Bodden spearheaded the building of the sanctuary, and then Faith Hall, on Walkers Road. The sanctuary was dedicated on June 4, 1981. Pastor Walter Tiesel shepherded the church during this time. On April 4, 1982, Faith Hall was dedicated “To the Glory of God and Healing of Humanity”.
The vision for the Family Life Centre (FLC) started under the leadership of Pastor Glenn Berry, Sr. in the late 1980s. A substantial donation by Captain Eldon Kirkconnell served as the seed money and the catalyst to get the Family Life Centre (FLC) started. It was the church’s vision, under the leadership of Pastor Alson Ebanks, to complete the building with the able assistance of Pastor Thomas French who functioned as builder and contractor, and =later FLC direc. This was accomplished and the FLC was dedicated on September 20, 2003.
In September 2004, Hurricane Ivan damaged the buildings. The sanctuary was renovated and refurbished under the expert and prayerful guidance of Sister Maxine Bodden. As Pastor Alson Ebanks, Senior Pastor, said, “Many of you have served and given sacrificially of your time, talent and treasure….I believe that the best years of the church are still ahead, simply because the Onewho began the good work is the One who will bring it to completion on the day of Christ”.
The church continues to grow spiritually, numerically and functionally. The FLC has become an integral part of the Cayman community, at times functioning as school facility to government as well as private schools and as hurricane center as well as for many programs: “Thus far by faith, and onward the same…”
Our Pastors
Rev. Harold R. Andrews
Rev. & Mrs. Leslie Ratzlaff
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Erickson
Rev. & Mrs. Max Hill
Rev. & Mrs. Howard Beery
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond E. Hastings
Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Kluge
Rev. & Mrs. James Chapman
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Foster
Rev. & Mrs. Carl Holmes
Rev. & Mrs. Albert Kempin
Rev. Lenard Leggett
Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Adamson
Rev. & Mrs. William W. King
Rev. & Mrs. Bushe
Rev. & Mrs. David Cox
Rev. & Mrs. Norman Atkins
Rev. & Mrs. Hedley Conolly
Rev. & Mrs. William Childs
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Walter Tiesel
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn D. Berry
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Reardon
Rev. & Mrs. Alson Ebanks