Cayman Brac Sanctuary

Bro. William Coe travelled to Cayman Brac and conducted a series of evangelistic services in 1917. Among the people attending the service was one, Jacob Tibbetts. Bro. Tibbetts was gloriously saved and immediately felt the call of God on his life. He became the first pastor of the fledgeling church which at that time had no permanent structure of its own and no affiliation to any other group. Not much is known about how Mr Tibbetts became connected with Rev. George Olson, but it was likely through the association with Bro. William Coe. We do know that by 1934 the church had already affiliated itself with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). Property purchased for the church for eighteen shillings in Cotton Tree Bay, Cayman Brac on the 25th of July, 1934 named the trustees as: George Olson, Jacob Tibbetts, and Rachael Avier Tibbetts.

In those early days, the work in Cayman Brac was due to the tireless labours of Bro. Jacob Tibbetts. The church building was destroyed by the 1932 hurricane which devastated the island of Cayman Brac. The church was rebuilt only to be destroyed again in 1935. Bro. Tibbetts moved to Kingston that year and the work was carried on by local leaders, principally Bro. Martin Hurlstone. Bro & Sis Frank Steimla and Sis. Hester Greer also laboured with the young church, and Sis Katie Merren and her two children Ena and Orrie also visited Cayman Brac and held services to
encourage the people. The list is long of those who served this church over the 40 year period from 1935 to 1975 when leadership was sporadic. Bro. Charles Carlman, from Grand Cayman, provided leadership from 1954 to 1963. In 1975

May 2008

Pastor Lloyd and Sally Jury accepted the call and brought some stability to the leadership. They raised money to build the church hall and Sunday School classrooms. Leadership remained stable and long term and this has continued until today. Some local names stand out for faithfulness and stability through the hard times: Sis. Hermina Parchman, Bro Eston and Sis. Jewell Scott, Sis. Betty Faye Tibbetts, and Capt. Mabry and Mrs Marilyn Kirkconnell.

More difficult times were in store for the church as their building was nearly destroyed by Hurricane Paloma in 2008. With the excellent help of many volunteers and the loyalty and support of the members, under the expert guidance of Pastor Tom French, the sanctuary was restored better than before.

Because of the vulnerable location of the church on the shoreline, a relocation to the Bluff in the same vicinity is planned on a piece of property donated to the General Assembly by Mr Linton Tibbetts.  The General Assembly of the Church of God Chapels has also been the beneficiary of a tract of land near  Stake Bay donated by brothers, Capt. Charles and Capt. Eldon Kirkconnell. The hope is to develop this property for a youth centre and campground for both local and overseas groups.



Pastor Tom & Carla French

Our Pastors
Bro. Jacob Tibbetts
Bro. Martin Hurlston
Rev. & Mrs. Leslie Ratzlaff
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Hastings
Rev. & Mrs. F.B Whistler
Rev. & Mrs. James Chapman
Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Kluge
Rev. C.C. Carlman
Rev. & Mrs. Wells
Rev. & Mrs. Norman Smith
Rev. & Mrs. Murphy
Rev. & Mrs. Schwieger
Rev. & Mrs. L.D. Beach
Rev. Halstead Dixon
Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd Jury
Rev. & Mrs. Derwent Tibbetts
Rev. & Mrs. Ken LeBlanc
Rev. & Mrs. Walter Tiesel
Rev. & Mrs. Charles Baxter
Rev. & Mrs. Dwain Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Tom Bloomquist
Rev. & Mrs. Capo
Rev. & Mrs. Greg Slentz
Rev. & Mrs. John Otero
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas French