Our pastoral team is dedicated to ministering to people in the Cayman Islands through a personal church community and worship experience. Understanding the many and varied spiritual needs of people in our community, the Church of God Chapels has equipped our ministries with pastors, each with unique gifts and callings. While comprised of individuals, our pastoral teams are foundationally united in our focus to bring people to Jesus Christ. As people experience our church and worship services, our pastors strive to foster an environment that is welcoming, accepting, and nurturing.
Church of God Chapel Bodden Town
Pastor Winston Rose
Phone: 345-947-3301
e-mail: seniorpastor.bt@churchofgodchapels.ky
Church of God Chapel George Town
Pastor Alson Ebanks
Phone: 345-949-3049
e-mail: seniorpastor.gt@churchofgodchapels.ky
Church of God Chapel West Bay
Pastor Stanwyck Myles
Phone: 345-949-3332
e-mail: seniorpastor.wb@churchofgodchapels.ky
Church of God Chapel Cotton Tree Bay Cayman Brac
Pastor Thomas French Cayman Brac
Phone: 345-948-2552
e-mail: seniorpastor.cb@churchofgodchapels.ky