Annual Convention

The General Assembly of the Church of God in the Cayman conducts two conventions each year. These conventions take place in February and September, bringing together our five congregations–four in Grand Cayman and one in Cayman Brac. The February convention has been an annual event since 1935, one year after the formal beginning of the Church of God Chapel.

These times of spiritual refreshing are also open to believers from other Christian denominations.

Each year, sought after Convention speakers from various countries, as well as local Church of God pastors are invited to share the Word of God.


Unity Meetings

During the second, third, and fourth quarters of the year, the four churches get together in a Unity Service.  It is held at a different location each time and it is a time of great fellowship, worship, and unity of the four congregations with pastors and congregations participating with the host congregation.

Check the calendar for the dates for the Unity meetings and be a part of this mini-convention with our brothers and sisters.